Saturday 14 December 2013

WestJet: Christmas miracle (Heart touching marketing campaign)

When I was a child I eagerly waited for Christmas because I was told that at this time of the year Santa Clause visits us when we are sleeping and gives us gifts.

Christmas season is on I can sense that all of you are cool, happy and very anxiously waiting for celebrating Christmas. If you aren’t quite in the Christmas spirit yet then maybe this viral video from Canadian low-cost carrier WestJet will help you getting it.

Canadian airline WestJet has surprised more than 250 customers on board two Calgary-bound flights with their Christmas wishes, earning worldwide praises for the company. Christmas came early for the fliers at the Toronto and Hamilton International airports, when they were surprised with Christmas gifts upon arrival at Calgary.

It started on a snowy Nov. 21, WestJet set up interactive video screens in airport departure lounges in Toronto and Hamilton, which allowed two planeloads of Calgary-bound guests to scan their boarding passes and speak to Santa. The passengers were filmed when a virtual Santa Claus was asking what they wanted for Christmas this year.

The travelers told a virtual Santa Claus their Christmas wishes. The wishes ranged from socks and underwear to a big-screen TV.

While the passengers were enjoying their relaxing flights, the WestJet staffs were busy getting the presents to the airport, wrapping them up and ensuring that each package has the name of the person who asked Santa for it.

All this involved some 150 WestJet employees who did everything from coordinating logistics at the airport to high-speed shopping and wrapping, clearing gifts through airport security and serving hot cocoa at baggage claim.

After the passengers finally touch down in Calgary we see them milling around baggage reclaim, which has been decorated to look as seasonal as possible with giant gingerbread men and even fake snow.

Then the baggage carousel starts up and rather than their luggage, the passengers are greeted with individual gift boxes containing their specially-requested Christmas gifts.

The footage of the passengers opening their presents is very touching, especially a young boy who looks super excited to receive an Android tablet and a young family get the biggest present – a big screen TV, looking slightly less impressed is the poor guy who only gets some socks and underwear.

The event was filmed in real-time, inspiring adults across the globe to once again believe in Christmas miracles. As children, many of us grew up believing in a Santa who was always watching, who could read our minds, the Santa who sees you when you’re sleeping, who knows when you’re awake. In a stealthy, slightly creepy way, WestJet, with its hidden cameras, made that fantasy real. WestJet gave those traveler’s the gift of magic.

I personally feel that it was really nice, well-thought out and well executed campaign. It brought life to the brands core values and most importantly it wasn't expensive. They have raise the level of marketing by making smart use of technology.

Thank you for visiting.

Wish you a very Happy Merry Christmas.   

Sunday 20 October 2013

6 Ways to Invigorate your Morning

To have a truly delightful day, getting it started with your best efforts.

You become more productive when you face every morning with positivity. Here I will suggest you some of the best ways to start your day with extreme positivity and keep it moving till the end.

1. Instigate your body.
When you're sleeping, your body is at a relax mode so waking up leaves you sleepy. Don’t shuffle through your morning, just stand right up, shake yourself out, and take three long, deep breaths. Remember, the root word of "inspire" is Latin for "to breathe."

2 Instigate your mind.
As you wake up just recall the list of your goals in life. After you've instigated your body, read your goals aloud, not in a drone but with real feeling. Imagine as vibrantly as you can how you'll feel when you achieve each goal.

3. Ignore emails and messages.
If you are like most people, you'll be tempted to check your phone to see what's happened while you were sleeping. This is one of the bad move. Unless you've got something that is "really important", postpone the emails and messages. Try checking out the pic of the day, quote of the day, jokes etc. this will delight you early morning feeling. 

4. Make yourself best cup of coffee.
If you're going to drink coffee then I suggest make it yourself. Your morning coffee is the first experience of the day and it blends the capacity to go through the rest of your day. 

5. Fuel your mind & body.
Breakfast is the first fuel to your mind and body, it defines your physical condition for the day. Fruit, vegetables and lean protein will sustain you for hours.  Good food and good music brings positive zing to your life. While commuting listen to your favorite and some inspirational music rather than the news or stupid talks on radio. 

6. Be cheerful.
It is one of the most crucial that you must take note while caring out activities. Try to be cheerful throughout the day. You are not required to change the world but you need to disperse your enthusiasm in a manner where you can do your job in the best manner overcoming all the difficult situations.

Friday 30 August 2013

Re-branding the Yahoo! Way.

The Internet giant Yahoo!

Has decided that it will change its logo on and is carrying out an interesting campaign “30 days of change

The reasons behind the change was revealed in an early morning blog post, by Yahoo’s chief marketing officer Kathy Savitt who wrote,

"Over the past year, there's been a renewed sense of purpose and progress at Yahoo!, and we want everything we do to reflect this spirit of innovation. While the company is rapidly evolving, our logo — the essence of our brand — should too."

A statement on the official Tumblr blog post for the company also explained the thinking behind the new logo.

Here is a video of the campaign

“We’ve introduced beautiful new products that have changed the way you see the weather, read email, share photos, and follow your favorite sports teams. We’ve partnered with great artists including Macklemore and Ryan Lewis, John Legend, and Imagine Dragons to take Yahoo! On The Road. And of course, we are excited to come together with tumblr, and by extension, its incredible community of creators.”

Specifying the details of the new logo Savitt also wrote,

“The new logo will be a modern redesign that’s more reflective of our reimagined design and new experiences. To get everyone warmed up, we are kicking off 30 days of change. Beginning now, we will display a variation of the logo on our homepage and throughout our network in the US for the next month. It’s our way of having some fun while honoring the legacy of our present logo.”

This change in the logo gives us the insight how the new CEO Marissa Mayer is transforming the company. She took over last July and now the company has acquired acquisition over Tumblr, Summly, etc.
Mayer has also emphasized on the push for mobile and under her stewardship the company released, a new email app for smartphones, revamped Flickr photo service on the iPhone and iPad and the web. An improved Yahoo Weather app was also released which won much praise for its sheer beauty. The logo change is just another stamp that Mayer is putting on this company.
As part of the logo campaign Yahoo, will unveil a different logo each day on its blog, Facebook and Twitter page. The final logo will be revealed on 4 September.

The waiting time is over Yahoo! has announced its new official logo.

There is an interesting blueprint video of this logo. If you are keen to know more then you must watch this video.

Thank you  for being patient. Keep blogging.

Sunday 23 June 2013

Bus Branding @ Singapore

Singapore is a top class city that I ever experienced. I feel it is the best place to work, live, study and play. Singapore is globally connected, multicultural and cosmopolitan city state that offers wide range of opportunities. Singapore is a beautiful country with greenery all around.

Visiting Singapore is the best pleasure I can say in this site. I have never experienced such a beautiful palace in the world. Very innocent peoples, well arranged places of interest. Good and neat food, fast MRT’s, best taxi drivers and wonderful shopping malls. The Birds Park, The Universal studio is one of the best which I loved. Singapore is the best in Asia for all.

Since when I came here I observed the amazing Marketing activity that was taking place on the streets of Singapore. Standing at the road side I could see brands having a race. I could experience the competition among the brands even before I entered a shopping mall.

Brands are an important part of the scenery of Singapore. Brands play major role in everyone’s life.
Brands use public buses as their medium of promoting their brand. The bus is decorated in the theme of the brand and left to move around in Singapore.

This concept of advertising highly creative, full of colorful graphic images on a large bus, Brands try to capture the attention of shoppers, drivers, passengers and pedestrians a like – in highly populated areas with major traffic flows, as well as on well-traveled motorways.

Buses are made in such a manner that it naturally attracts the attention of all. Marketing has been taken another level here at Singapore. The use of concepts and design of branding on buses is amazingly displayed at Singapore.

Hope this post brought some knowledge of use.
Stay Connected.