Saturday 4 August 2012

“COLOR” and the Changes in Customer MOOD

Consumer Dynamics
“COLOR” and the Changes in Customer MOOD

Most people decide on what style they want to use in their home before they shop for furniture and home decor. Everyone knows that the theme you choose for has an influence on how you feel when you're in the home. For example, a more casual setting automatically makes you feel more relaxed. And, some styles just yell "don't put your feet on the couch"!

It doesn't matter which style you choose, color naturally has a big influence on your choice. Color plays a big role in the total look of your home. But, did you know that color has a huge effect on your emotions and moods? In fact, color can make you feel a wide range of emotions from calm and energetic, to happy and depressed.
Scientists have proven that color can alter your mood. It's one of the most important factors in relaxation. Because around 75 percent of all illnesses are in some way related to stress, relaxation plays a big role in preventing diseases.

Colors have a drastic effect on your physical and emotional well being. Let’s have a glance at the message that colors have to give.


“White” is the color of purity, cleanliness and peace. It's very popular in store decorating because it will literally match anything. Along with other neutral colors, white evokes a feeling of balance. However, it can also create a feeling of sterility which is why it's the most commonly used color in hospitals and medical facilities and is an essentially present in every store interior.

Peaceful Theme

“Blue” is a very peaceful and tranquil color that literally causes the body to produce chemicals that calm. Studies have shown that people are actually more productive if they are in a blue room. Much like watching the waves on the ocean or starring at a clear blue sky is relaxing; blue can make you feel serene and carefree. Blue slows your pulse rate, lowers the temperature of your body and suppresses your appetite. Blue allows our mind as well as souls to be cool and enjoy our purchasing activity.

Want to feel happy?

“Yellow” is the color of happiness! It adds a cheerful feel to the environment and will lighten your mood. It can speed up the metabolism and enhance concentration. However, it has been shown that people are more likely to lose their tempers more often when there around a lot yellow and babies will even cry more. So, try to make sure that you don't overuse the color. Yellow is often used but it is mixed with other colors so that the ill effect of the color can be reduced and keep the store atmosphere favorable.

Be passionate!

“Red” just automatically evokes feelings of passion, but it also makes your emotions more intense. While it can increase passion in the bedroom, it can turn a lovers spat into a full blown argument. It's the most energetic color there; it stimulates brain activity, causes your heart to beat faster and produces a rise in blood pressure. It encourages the customer to shop more and more. This color in the background acts as flavor to the food.

Going green

“Green” themes are currently very popular. Because it's the most common color in nature, it has a soothing, calming effect. Green colors are very easy on the eye and can actually improve your vision. It can make you feel refreshed, calm and nourished. It's also associated with compassion and clear perception. It provokes the human nature to show care and promotes sense of believe to the customers.

Grounded, are you?

“Brown” is another color that is very abundant in nature. It's the color of earth, trees and soil. It creates a homey feel in a room and is associated with comfort and friendliness. Although brown creates feelings of warmth and sophistication, it can also be a sad color. Adding on to it brown being a dark color it highlights the product placed in front of it.

This was all about the message that the colors have to give. Although the style of your store is very important, if you want to feel your best in your business, you might want to put more thought into the colors you choose. Emotions and colors are very closely related and your customer’s mood can affect how you they feel physically. Decide on what specific mood you are trying to establish and choose your colors to create that mood.

Good Luck for your choice and be colorful by nature.


  1. Nice article..Sir Just add more colours..Say which colour suits which business ?? like for running Spa centre which colour you should use.?? then for selling sports shoe(adreline rush) which colour you should use..???


    COLOR is a small word but with a very deep meaning...Soon I'll be coming up with some more colors and then will I proceed with making decisions with regards the choice for different colors for different purpose...

