Friday 17 August 2012

Does color really matters when choosing the color of your lipstick??

Does color really matters when choosing the color of your lipstick??

Lipsticks are the oldest element of ladies’ make up kit. In fact, applying lipstick has a long and colorful history. The first lipstick is believed to appear more than four thousand years ago in the Ancient Egypt. Even during Indus Valley Civilization as well as early Egyptian days lipsticks had found profound use. Remember even Cleopatra used to wear bright red colored lipstick in those days. Queen Cleopatra was well-known for her beauty and love affair with Roman Caesar.

Lipstick was forgotten until the renaissance as they were used not only by women but also by men. At that time, lipstick was considered to make men’s lip contour more noticeable than beard and mustache.

Lip coloring started to gain some popularity in 16th century England. During the reign of Queen Elizabeth bright red lips and a stark white face became fashionable. At that time, lipstick was made from a blend of beeswax and red stains from plants.

In the 1930s, lipstick was seen as symbol of adult sexuality. Teenage girls believed that lipstick was a symbol of womanhood. A study in 1937 survey revealed that over 50% of teenage girls fought with their parents over lipstick.

In the 1960s, lipstick was associated with femininity. Women who did not wear lipstick were suspected of mental illness or lesbianism.

During the Second World War, movie industry turned out to be one of the biggest industries which allowed lipstick and other make-up to be of glamorous respectability. Hollywood played an important part in spreading the popularity of lipstick. Famous actresses in Hollywood have inspired women all over the world with their new beauty invention.

In 21st century Lipstick has become a daily routine of most modern women as a part of make-up. But these small handy make up things have been renewed many times since then.

Lipsticks no doubt are the most essential part of the entire make up procedure since it can completely change your face value. A little bit of color on your lips that enhances your beautiful smile and you can impress anyone standing in front of you. Even though shades of red are still popular in lipsticks, nowadays these are available in every color that you can think of. According the April issue of 'Ladies' Home Journal,' 65% of women use lipstick daily & 25% won't leave house without it. We're not sure where they got these stats, but they seem reasonable.

July 29th is National Lipstick Day! Celebrate the make-up essential that has a history dating back to at least 3500 B.C. in Sumaria.
After questioning about 50 women over social network we came across some amazing reasons that provoked them to apply lipsticks after making a lot of choices. 

According to them Lipstick is an innovation, which has been carried forward since ages enjoyed by women like us to make our lips look more beautiful and fuller. When it comes to buying lipsticks, there are so many shades to choose from but finding the right color is very important.

Picking the right lipstick for your skin tone among the hundreds of shades available can be tricky. In general though skin tones and the colors go with them can be divided into three groups: light medium and dark. For light skin its pinky shades. For medium its berry family shades. For darker its brown shades such as terracotta.


Choosing the right color lipstick is always backed by our vision and the feeling that is generated out of the vision. Further choice of the right color is guided by the comfort level women never to buy anything that they don't feel comfortable with. Everyone has a few lip colors that are fantastic for their coloring, age and preferences. Women make it a treasure hunt when they go searching for the perfect lip color and don't stop until they feel terrific with their choice.


Women are sensitive regarding their dress color selection and about their makeover. Usually they apply color on their lips that suits them. According to some women color of lip should be changed along with the weather, keeping in mind that lips are as important as other feature of your face. Proper care of it is necessary otherwise your makeup is not completed.

Each season has its own importance. Every season creates unique and gorgeous impact on faces of those who are sensitive about their lip color.

Mat Lip color in autumn

Reddish shades for winter

Pinkish lips for spring

Cool and lighter for summer



Color gives the perception of taste. Like pink gives the taste of sweetness, red gives the taste of cherries, orange portrays its own taste, brown gives the taste of coffee. The choice of color of lipsticks is sometimes affected by the liking if the perceived taste rather than the color itself.

A woman has always been the center of attraction to men at all times. This is because of the attractiveness of women by their style statements in terms of clothing; make up and off course their body language. Color is the most vital component in clothing and make up. Some colors speak things that can be felt by everyone.

Bright red lipstick color sends the message “Look at me“, and a color that is assumed to be the desire to be noticed. Pink symbolizes a more punk style and adventurous, both in terms of love and activity. Dark purple symbolizes the brave personality and not afraid of risk.

Adding a color to the lips mean adding a color to the day this remark given by a woman about her using a lipstick brings out the important role that a lipstick plays in a women everyday life. Further highlighting on the color lipstick defines the personality of women.
RED lipstick is mostly chosen by cheerful women.
PINK lipstick is the choice for romantic women.
BRIGHT ORANGE lipstick is for those who love to be in the spotlight.

Selecting the right lipstick is not just about color selection. Color is important, but there are other factors to consider. Certain colors should be left behind when women reach a certain age. Frosts and shimmers don't look terrific on all skin types. Matte lipstick is best on certain age groups and so are glossy, high sheen lipstick styles. Now more than ever there are limitless lipstick selections, but all is not lost. You can discover what your best colors and types of lipstick are.

The choice of color does not wholly depend on the one going to purchase. Women use other people’s opinions to help make their own decision. Shopping is one of the most delightful activities to women. Women tend to make their purchasing decisions based on the comments of the third person rather than listening to themselves. If a friend accompanying will comment that the color of a particular lipstick looks good then its chosen regardless of the fact that the one buying is satisfied or not.

Whenever girlfriends wear red lipstick, their boyfriends seem to get so bent out of shape about it. For the longest time, I thought it was because they just didn’t like the way it looked—after all, red lips can be very dramatic on some people. But as it turns out, it’s simply because the red colored lips asked them to end up with red lipstick all over their face when they kiss you!

“It is choice that can mean the difference between looking like a clown or a princess. Choosing the right color lipstick mainly requires keen sense of balancing your needs and your wants”


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